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At the beginning of December 2016, the International gala concerts of the operetta stars "10 years of joint success" were held on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy. The concerts were timed to coincide with the anniversary of creative cooperation with the Budapest Operetta and Musical Theater (Hungary) and gathered the entire color of the soloists of the two theaters. On the part of the Budapest Operetta and Musical Theater, Monica Fischl, Sylvie Sendi, Tunde Franco, Attila Dolhai and Miklos Matei Kerenyi took part in the concert. The program presented the most striking fragments and numbers from the joint productions of the two theaters: "Merry Widow", "Countess Maritza", "Bayadere", "Madame Pompadour", "Paris Life", "Country of Smiles", "Jekyll & Hyde" and other.

In the spring of 2017, the soloists of the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy traveled to Hungary on a return visit, where they performed on the stage of the Budapest Theater on April 21. There are operetta and musical stars, favorites of the Petersburg audience: honored artists of Russia Olga Lozovaya and Svetlana Lugova, laureates of International competitions Maria Elizarova, Oksana Krupnova, Katarzyna Matskevich, Karina Chepurnova, Ivan Korytov, Alexander Lenogov, Fedor Osipov, Natalia Dievskaya, Vera Sveshnikova, Ivan Ozhogin and Kirill Gordeev. And also conductor Alexey Nefyodov, who will stand for the conductor's console of the orchestra of the Hungarian theater.

The concert hold within the framework of the Spring Festival, which is the largest cultural event in Hungary for 35 years. Budapesti Tavaszi Fesztival unites in its program such genres as chamber music, ballet, opera, modern dance, drama, jazz, church and folk music.

From the history of cooperation:

The premiere of the first joint Russian-Hungarian performance on the stage of the Musical Comedy Theater took place in 2006. In the version of one of the recognized masters of the world operetta scene of Miklós Sinetar, the brilliant operetta of Franz Lehar "The Merry Widow" was presented. A magnificent production, full of humor and real operetta chic, still enjoys the audience's love and collects sold out. As, however, and other Russian-Hungarian performances, the premiere of which was carried out in recent years on the stage of musical comedy.
The creative tandem of the Budapest and St. Petersburg theaters gave the fans of the genre more than ten large and small performances. Among them - like the famous hits "Bat", J. Strauss, "Bayadere", "Countess Maritza" and "Violette of Montmartre" I. Kalman, "Parisian Life" J. Offenbach, and previously unknown to the Russian audience operetta and musicals "The Baroness Lili "E. Husky," Again and again with you ... "S. Daniels," Jekyll & Hyde "by F. Wildhorn," Land of Smiles "by F. Lehar, and others.
Thanks to the cooperation of the two theaters, exchange tours of leading soloists and performers of the operetta became possible. The Russian viewer for the first time became acquainted with the Hungarian performing school and the European principles of creating a performance in the genre of the operetta. Meanwhile, it is worth recalling that the Hungarian culture of operetta is unique and is part of the national heritage.
The new creative stream, which brought together performances in the life of the St. Petersburg musical comedy, was undoubtedly a positive experience that influenced the further development of the theater. After all, not only creative, but also technical innovations have become available to Russian specialists. And the opportunity to conduct a professional dialogue with European colleagues led the theater to a new stage of development, putting it on a par with other leading music theaters in Europe.