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On June 28-30, the IV Operetta Park festival was held at the Gatchina State Museum-Reserve. The project, which began as a creative partnership between the St. Petersburg Musical Comedy Theater and the museum in 2016, has become one of the most spectacular open-air events that have been successfully held in the park for many years.

"Гала-концерт в Гатчинском парке

Theatre of Musical Comedy received the original French license to create this famous musical in the stage version by Miklos Gabor Kerenyi (Hungary).

On June 24, the solemn ceremony of presenting the Russian National Theater Award “Golden Mask” based on the results of the 2022-2023 season took place in Moscow.

Congratulations to ALEXANDER SUKHANOV with the award in the category “OPERETTA-MUSICAL/BEST SUPPORTING ROLE” for the role of Dosifey in the musical “Peter I”!

21.06.2024 Congratulations!

Congratulations on the premiere of the participants and creators of the play "GIROFLE-GIROFLA"!!!

10.06.2024 Premiere!

The State Museum-Reserve "Gatchina" and the St. Petersburg Theater of Musical Comedy present on June 28, 29, 30, 2024 the IV International Festival "OPERETTA PARK".

06.06.2024 Congratulations!

On June 3, the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Theatrical Workers of Russia hosted the annual celebration “Initiation into Artists.” On this day, according to tradition, young actors who served in their theater for the first season are honored.
The actresses of our theater, Polina Shchinova and Maria Melnikova, took part in the celebration. The general manager of the theater, Yuri Schwarzkopf, congratulated his artists.

Полина Щинова, Мария Мельникова и Юрий Шварцкопф

On April 26, the play “Peter I” was shown as part of the XXX Festival-Competition “Golden Mask” in the presence of members of the jury of the Russian National Theater Award “Golden Mask”, who came to St. Petersburg in accordance with the current conditions of the festival.

26.04.2024 Congratulations!

On April 26, soloists of the Musical Comedy Theater Anastasia Loshakova, Natalya Savchenko, Oleg Romashin and Grigory Shafir gave a creative congratulation on the stage of the Irkutsk Regional Musical Theater named after. N.M. Zagursky. On this day, the theater staff honored People Artist of Russia Vladimir Yakovlev, who recently celebrated his anniversary.

24.04.2024 Congratulations!

April 24 at the House of Actors named after. K. S. Stanislavsky, the presentation of diplomas to the laureates of the XXXII festival “Theaters of St. Petersburg for Children” took place.

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