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Tom Sawyer

Performance for children
Musical for children by Sergey Banevich ()
Opening night of the performance took place on 17th of March 2018.
The performance is recommended for viewers aged 6 and above
Studio stage

Staging group:

Based on the novel of Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Libretto by Semyon Dimant
Poems - Nonna Slepakova
Stage Director - Anna Osipenko
Musical Director and Conductor - Honored Artist of Russia Andrey Alekseev
Conductors - Maxim Alekseev, Vasiliy Yurkevich
Choreography - Vladimir Romanovsky
Scenography - Sergey Novikov
Lighting Designer - Denis Solntsev
Artist-animator - Anastasia Andreeva
Director - Ekaterina Aronova
Choirmaster - Evgeny Takmakov

Characters and Performers:

Tom Sawyer

Roman Vokuev
laureate of International competition

Huckleberry Finn

Alexandr Lenogov

laureate of International competition

Benjamin Rogers

Denis Konovalov (artist of chorus)

Rebecca Thatcher

Elizaveta Olisova

laureate of International competition

Aunt Polly

Svetlana Lugova

honoured actress of Russia,
laureate of "Golden Sofit" Award

Mr. Dobbins

Oleg Fleer
honoured actor of Ukraine


Maria Elizarova
laureate of International competitions


Darya Pashinskaya (artist of chorus)

Tom's friends

Alexander Bondarev (artist of chorus)

Anton Stepanov (artist of chorus)


Ballet dancers are engaged in the play

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